Pssssssst Excuse me miss.......
Pssst excuse me miss, don't tell me you are either to soon out of a relationship or to long on your own to have a relationship. Oh and selfish...
The Mobile Blog of the Popular David The Hammer Blog
Pssst excuse me miss, don't tell me you are either to soon out of a relationship or to long on your own to have a relationship. Oh and selfish...
How come I always get the end of the tomato. there can't be that many ends. There are way more middle of the tomatos.
Still in phase 1 shock, disbelief, denial, wonder, emotional numbness... Phase two started to rear it's ugly head earlier,however has left.
My heart core theory is true... Ask for details. And if you can help me to figure out how to work with it please do. I need your help.
I'm sitting in traffic wishing the mexicans would take another day off.... Maybe they should have a four day week..